Daily Cancer Horoscope February 28 (28/02)


Jun 22 − July 22

Alias: Alias: The Crab

February 28


daily cancer horoscope:

summary cancer daily

Star 9/10

Asking a certain question to a certain person could take a conversation into awkward or unpleasant territory but facing a fact or accepting a difficult truth neednt be a drawn-out saga. If a line needs to be drawn or an arrangement moved on from, then you could surprise yourself at how able you are to be less passionate or sentimental than you thought youd be.


summary cancer tomorrow

Star 9/10

A strategy might be clear in your mind but youre going to have to spell it out clearly if youre to reduce or eliminate confusion. You might believe a train of thought youve had is an obvious one that others, possibly in the workplace, have also had. In truth, you could be more erratic than you believe yourself to be. Effective communication relies on listening as much as talking now.


summary cancer weekly

Star 8/10

Having Mercury and the Sun so active in your solar sector of faraway places, future vision and higher truth, travel or study plans are featured strongly. However, its this weeks New Moon Solar Eclipse that will encourage you to embark upon a form of study or expand your intellectual horizons in some way.Whether youre seeking to broaden your knowledge or focused on travel plans, the coming week could bring a pivotal and memorable development.


summary cancer monthly

Star 7/10

Mars will be boosting your energy levels to make career-related progress and Venus arrival in the same sector on the 3rd will really sweeten a deal or two during coming weeks. A Lunar Eclipse in your solar sector of earned income brings a boost to your finances, especially with Jupiter and Saturn lending a hand. A Solar Eclipse on the 26th occurs in your solar sector of faraway places and education, bringing travel or, for some Crabs, study plans to the top of your priority list.


health cancer daily

Star 10/10

You can be extremely conscientious regarding your diet when you put your mind to it. Think of the lion out in the wild. Only the freshest \"kill\" will do for a lion and her cubs. When it comes to feeding her little ones she lets nothing stand in her way. Try using this feline mentality when you visit your local organic grocer. Go up to the clerks and ask which vegetables are freshest, and treat yourself to the best the land has to offer.


health cancer tomorrow

Star 7/10

You love the frisky feeling exercise gives you - although you can also be terribly lazy! There is no judgment going on here, just try to be aware that you stand to gain a lot of joy and energy from doing just a little bit more exercise than you are currently doing! Don\t do anything drastic - just increase what you do already. If you don\t do anything, try walking rather than driving or take the stairs rather than the elevator. Take your time, but increase your movement.


health cancer weekly

Star 10/10

Events may cause a minor crisis. Some days could be stressful, so if your energy flags, it\s a good indication that you need to relax your body. Do less rather than more. Nervous tension could be with you for some time. As the days unwind, pamper yourself and feel the benefits.


health cancer monthly

Star 7/10

As Jupiter, your health planet, enters its retrograde phase in the first week of February, it could encourage you to be more inward looking regarding your attitude and approach to well-being. If you have found it hard to maintain certain disciplines, then pinpointing the core issues can provide a breakthrough. At the same time, with sober Saturn moving through your wellness sector, it\s important to take responsibility for your health. Let perseverance be your mantra. You\ll certainly see results if you keep trying even though you\re tempted to give up.


love cancer daily

Star 10/10

Love and romance are very much associated with sharing the same sense of humor. Today\s auspicious aspect indicates that if you are looking for that special person, you will both recognize that you are kindred spirits by the kind of things that make you both laugh. After you have established this, you will certainly begin to notice other things that encourage your admiration.


love cancer tomorrow

Star 10/10

You are feeling in very good spirits, with the heavenly energy of the day. Romantically, you are in the driving seat and can pick and choose from a selection of potential dates. Right now you may not be feeling like making a decision concerning any one person, as you are not even sure whom you would choose. Since there is no need to hurry, you can enjoy making your choice at leisure.


love cancer weekly

Star 7/10

You don\t mind going on adventures by yourself, but it would be so much nicer to have someone along for the ride at the start of the week. If you have an extra ticket to a concert or other fun event, take a chance and ask your secret crush. If you don\t make time for romance over the weekend, it isn\t going to happen. There\s nothing wrong with setting aside some responsibilities so you can go on a date.


love cancer monthly

Star 10/10

Mercury leaves steady Capricorn for unconventional Aquarius on February 7, which can be a breath of fresh air or somewhat of a disaster. You aren\t entirely comfortable with being aloof, but playing hard to get has its advantages. Venus in Aries on February 14 means there\s some very aggressive masculine energy in the air on Valentine\s Day. It might be impossible not to act on the chemistry between you and your hot crush. Mercury spends time in Pisces, starting on February 25, putting a meandering spin on communication. You\ll get to the point eventually, but it might take more time than usual.


career cancer daily

Star 8/10

Stay focused on what you know instead of trying to penetrate into areas that you don\t know anything about. You are better off delegating tasks to those who are more efficient at these things than trying to reinvent every single wheel yourself.


career cancer tomorrow

Star 9/10

Don\t get upset at yourself today because you simply don\t feel the normal drive and determination that you normally do. Give yourself a break. This is a time for you to relax. Be lazy for a change, and let someone else do all the hard work.


career cancer weekly

Star 10/10

If you\re looking for a new or better job, this period can bring news that will steer you in the right direction. You or someone supervising you could become particularly bossy. Be patient with anyone around you who is in a bad mood. He or she may be having troubles you don\t know about. Customer contacts should be pleasant and profitable. Don\t procrastinate on something you know is important even if it isn\t your favorite thing.


career cancer monthly

Star 8/10

February 10 brings you an opportunity to make some financial changes. Getting a raise, landing a lucrative job, or moving to a less expensive area are among the possibilities. Devise ways to make your hard-earned money stretch as far as possible in early February. A Solar Eclipse on February 26 could send you on an important business trip. Your tenacity and good sense of humor will help you land a significant client. Don\t give up when you meet with initial resistance. Continued gentle pressure will yield the result you want. Be willing to strike an unconventional deal that satisfies both parties.



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