Daily Libra Horoscope July 24 (24/07)
Sep 23 − Oct 22
Alias: Alias: The Scales
July 24
daily libra horoscope:
daily libra horoscope:
Star 8/10
Something looks set to shift positively between you and a family member and this could be helpful in reducing or even eliminating tension that has existed for some time. You might not see something entirely eye-to-eye but agreeing to disagree could still be helpful. A new feeling of freedom could result from what gets resolved now.
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You have a very clear choice about how complicated you want a certain matter to become and for as long as you and someone else are determined to stand their ground and refuse to consider a compromise, this issue can soon escalate into something unnecessarily bigger. Eventually, stubbornness will give way to preparedness to listen but you can either instigate it now or let things worsen before choosing to make them better.
Read more...Star 7/10
A sense of pessimism could grow strong this week. It might feel very real and justified but before you accept it as being so, be willing to see a certain situation in the right and necessary perspective. You might be very aware this week of whats missing in your world and believe all would be hunky dory if you had it or more of it. Yet, its by focusing on what you believe is waiting to go wrong that youre preventing what you need from becoming available to you. Believe a situation can and will improve and thats precisely what it will start to do.
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Venus exerts a fantastic influence on anything associated with broadening the mind and anything connected with travel, publishing, media or broadcasting is superbly starred. Librans looking for love could find it with someone connected with overseas or who has a unique and intriguing background. A home or family matter raises its head around the Full Moon on the 9th and priority might need to be given to resolving a family-related issue. A new income stream or surprise bonus could remove any worries about finances. Be patient and see what transpires!
Read more...Star 7/10
You take the path less traveled most of the time. Your individualistic nature depends on yourself more than others, and it can get pretty lonely if you doen\t make an effort to socialize and seek out human interaction. However, if you are someone who has considered getting a pet but not done so, ask yourself if now would be a good time. People who own pets generally can\t imagine life without their special companion. They can really brighten up your life!
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Walking is probably the most under-rated exercise, because it doesn\t require much exertion, and people do it every day. But how much do you actually do it? Do you walk instead of take the bus whenever possible? Do you think 8-10 blocks is \"too far\" to walk? There are serious health benefits from walking: it tones your entire body, you can do deep breathing exercises at the same time, and the body naturally aligns itself when you walk with a straight back and an extended chest.
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If you\ve never been that interested in looking after your health, things are about to change. A positive aspect will encourage you to see the benefits of transforming your lifestyle. You can start by giving up a few of your less healthy habits and progressing from there. You don\t have to make every change right away, although you might be inspired to try.
Read more...Star 9/10
With Neptune now reversing, you could have key insights into your health and wellness that prove very useful. Neptune in its retrograde phase often brings greater clarity and understanding of a situation. In this case, you might be able to discern a deeper reason for any physical unease. Neptune is also a very ethereal and mystical planet, so you could easily pick up on other peoples feelings and even their pain, especially if youre very close to them. Staying grounded and getting plenty of exercise can offset this and help you feel more self-contained and energized.
Read more...Star 7/10
Emotions are bound to come to the fore, with today\s planetary alignment. You may be able to hide some of your more powerful feelings behind a wall of nonchalance, but not all of them by any stretch. Your new lover will be able to clearly see that you are falling madly in love with them, even if you are pretending that you don\t really care.
Read more...Star 8/10
Romance has that edge of excitement to it, under the influence of today\s astral configuration. You may not be sure how far you trust the person you meet today, but at the same time you find them fascinating, enigmatic, charismatic, and altogether quite enchanting. If you have been alone for a while, you may not be able to resist this mammoth temptation - but do your best not fall in love too quickly.
Read more...Star 10/10
Everyone has baggage from past relationships, so it isnt logical to expect someone not to. Try to look at a persons good characteristics rather than dwell on the negative at the start of the week. If youve been putting off something lately, it could catch up to you over the weekend. If your mind is too preoccupied to focus on a date, reschedule it. The other person deserves your undivided attention.
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When Venus visits Gemini on July 4, your velvet tongue paves the way for many dating adventures. Smart is sexy, and youre looking intelligent as heck! Its hard to control your nervous energy during the Mars/Uranus square on July 17, so you may say or do uncharacteristically unrefined things on a first date. Its never too late to recover, but try not to let the awkwardness go too long without addressing it. A lingering but indescribable fear prevents you from moving forward during a Venus/Saturn opposition on July 24. If you cant pinpoint and remedy the problem, wait to act when youre feeling more confident.
Read more...Star 10/10
Your thinking is right on target, but your overall mood is making you insecure about expressing your thoughts to others. You are hesitant to act since you aren\t feeling especially confident on the inside. Have faith in yourself. Others certainly do.
Read more...Star 7/10
Now is the time to get more involved in your greatest passion. Do what you love to do and the money will follow. There is no need to stay chained to a job that you hate doing. The cosmic energy has just swung in your favor. Follow your dreams.
Read more...Star 8/10
Are you happy at work? This period brings you the time to reevaluate your employer, job, or entire career. If you hate your job or you\re coping with unhappy or hostile people, it might be time to take action. This is a positive time to ask your boss what he or she thinks about your work. Events bring the potential for a new start, especially concerning women or anything that nurtures and protects your community.
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You could get a lot of emotional satisfaction from facing down a workplace bully on July 9. People often confuse your gracious manner for personal weakness. Nothing could be further from the truth. By standing up for yourself, anyone who seeks to intimidate you will learn a valuable lesson. July 23 invites you to get involved with a professional organization. Joining it will expand your social network to include some glamorous people. Use these contacts to attract the kind of creative assignments you crave. Youve been blessed with artistic ability. Getting paid to exercise it will be the answer to a prayer.
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